buffalo chicken soup in a bowl next to bread and a spoon on a counter

Buffalo Chicken Soup

cooked mojo chicken over rice next to black beans on a plate

Mojo Chicken

chicken pot pie in an individual baking dish on a board on a counter next to a towel

Chicken Pot Pie

cheesy holiday potatoes scooped onto a plate

Cheesy Holiday Potatoes

2 mugs of hot cocoa on a counter with a slow cooker

Slow Cooker Hot Cocoa

Creepy Crispy Eyeball Treats

Creepy Crispy Eyeball Treats

a plate with cooked lumpia and dipping sauces

Lumpia (Filipino Spring Rolls)

a bowl on a counter with cooked Swedish meatballs and noodles

Swedish Meatballs

Autumn Tortellini Soup

Autumn Tortellini Soup

a bowl of chicken and gnocchi soup with parmesan cheese

Chicken and Gnocchi Soup

a plate with pot roast, mashed potatoes and buttered bread with a bowl of cooked mashed potatoes

Traditional Pot Roast

a bowl of cooked mashed potatoes on a counter

Fluffy Mashed Potatoes